Friday, May 27, 2011

Week of Dieting

Am Back to Dieting alhamdullelah, since I stopped shortly after the revolution.

Its been almost a week, today is my cheat meal day,
pasta with alfredo sauce, mashed potatoes, meatballs and turkish meatballs and some sald

Just did my Cardio a bit late, on an empty stomach had my protein shake and a cup and a half of grind oatmeal, which is about 75 grams of carbs, I go to juma and hit shoulders traps and tris,

I have to do this for at least 2.5 months, see where it leads.

think am not getting enough calories as i often do a some out of office trips for work, thin i might add some protein and carbs, yesterday, I had a little less than kilogram of steak. felt so good !

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